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Jun 3rd 2020
This morning, Clark County considered a ban on backpacks and strollers at protests. What we didn't consider was any regulation on firearms, like the one used to shoot and critically wound an @LVMPD officer this week. 1/
That's because in 2015, the Legislature took away local governments' ability to regulate firearms. 2/
Last year, Assemblywoman @sandra4nv, a #1October survivor and fierce advocate, pushed to restore local governments’ powers (AB291). 3/
Read 8 tweets
Oct 1st 2019
1/5 Two years ago, our community experienced a tragedy unlike any we have faced before. #1October, 2017, is a day that no Nevadan will forget. The fear, the trauma, the grief that engulfed our city can’t be measured.
2/5 Since that day, I have seen our city come together in a way that only a strong community can in supporting the victims and their families. Our unity made it clear that ‘Vegas Strong’ is not a catchphrase, it’s a part of our identity.
3/5 No one embodies that identity more than our first responders on the scene minutes after the shooting, along with the nurses, doctors, and hospital staff working day and night to care for the countless victims injured that night.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 10th 2019
HAPPENING NOW: @Sheriff_LVMPD is holding a media briefing to share the department’s #1October After Action Review. The 158 page report is meant to share strengths, weaknesses and lessons leaned in their response to the shooting. @8NewsNow #8NN Image
Sheriff Lombardo: The 18 month review looked at whether the department was prepared, what was the response and what was the recovery process like. @8NewsNow #8NN
The @LVMPD review team says the key strengths during #1October were partnerships with first responders, multi-agency training agencies, strip security communications. @8NewsNow #8NN
Read 17 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
THREAD: In all the darkness of Oct. 1, 2017, there was light.

One year after the #1October attack at the Route 91 Harvest festival on the Las Vegas Strip, here are 91 stories of heroism, helping, healing and hope. #VegasStronger
#1October Heroes:

Police Sgt. Greg White from Carlsbad, California, used the pocket knife he always carries with him to cut an opening in a fence to help his wife, friends and about 400 strangers escape from the Route 91 festival grounds→
#1October Heroes:

Some wounded victims at University Medical Center elected to wait for treatment so others — mostly strangers — could be operated on first→
Read 91 tweets

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