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Jul 13th 2022
1/17. The world’s lightest blockchain @MinaProtocol

2/17. Mina Overview
3-4/17. #zkSNARKs
5/17. #zkSNARKs recursive
6-7/17. Node
8/17. In-EVM
9-10/17. zkApps
11/17. zkOracles
12/17. zkrollup
13/17. Token $MINA
14/17. Roadmap
15/17. Team
16/17. Backers
17/17. Audit Unbelievable! Mina protocol has a constant size (22 KB), whi
2/17. Mina Overview
@MinaProtocol is the world’s lightest blockchain (just 22 kB constant size), powered by participants. Using zero knowledge technology. Mina is building the privacy and security layer for web3.
3/17. #SNARK is succinct cryptographic proof that checks blocks for validity.
#S: succinct proofs can be verified within a few milliseconds
#N: non-Interactive means that the prover only needs to send a single message to the verifier, instead of back-and-forth communication
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