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Most recents (3)

Oct 17th 2020
So far, #26Women have gone on record with sexual allegations against POTUS
Detailed thread of all
Divided into categories:
-Sexual Assault
(which has sub-categories of Rape, Groping, Kissing w/o Consent)
-Sexual Harassment (Dressing Rooms)
-Sexual Misconduct

26 women have gone on the record with sexual allegations against Trump. #26Women
Sexual Assault: Rape (3)
Sexual Assault: Groping & Restraining (9)
Sexual Assault: Kissed without Consent (8)
Sexual Harassment: Into Dressing Room (4+)
Sexual Harassment: Misconduct (2+)
26 brave women
I. Trump, "Johnson", Caroll, Leeds, Anderson, Crooks, Stoynoff, Murphy, Huddy, Drake, Harth, Virginia, McGillivray, Zevros, Taggart, Laaksonen, Searles, Heller, Johnson, Dixon, Hughes, Billado, Sullivan, Boyne, Holvey, Dorris
Read 32 tweets
Sep 12th 2020
Influence policy w/ Postcards for America
Contacting Elected Officials; All levels
*Focused until Nov 3rd on #Elections2020*
Find #GOTV postcard opportunities here:…
FB Group Postcarding…
#PostcardsforAmerica Image
I gathered for ALL 50 states ALL 1st dates to APPLY for & ALL the alternate ways to return your completed #AbsenteeBallot with LINKS to apply to #VoteByMail #MailInVoting #AbsenteeVoting
➡️On Medium…
Thread Image
Since 45 & GOP are trying to 86 #PostalService, here are FIRST DATES to APPLY & all ways to RETURN Absentee Ballots
#VoteByMail #AbsenteeVoting #EarlyVoting
All can be found on #PostcardsforAmerica website ➡️…
On FB,(shortlink) here… Image
Read 7 tweets
Jul 11th 2019
So far, #25Women have accused Trump. #TrumpSexualAccusations
Detailed thread of all the #TrumpAccusers with links

Divided into categories:
-Sexual Assault
(which has sub-categories of Rape, Groping, Kissing w/o Consent)
-Sexual Harassment (Dressing Rooms)
-Sexual Misconduct
The Department of Justice defines sexual assault as “any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.”
It refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim.
#25Women #TrumpAccusers
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines sexual harassment as "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature."
#25Women #TrumpAccusers
Read 31 tweets

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