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Dec 26th 2022
#Find The Best Homeowners Insurance Insurance #Rates #NEAR you (in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Indiana, North Carolina) #online, at"" or at our home insurance website:… #homeinsurance #besthomeownersinsurance
"We offer prices and rates for auto & #carinsurancequote #options "in Massachusetts & #CT #MD #NC #IN", with our car insurance agents near you online at" Learn more get quotes… #auto #car #carinsurancequotes"
Did you know that you can locate & find the best carriers/companies for your #truckinginsurance coverage in RI/MA/CT at Lunova Insurance with our #commercialtruck #insurancequotes #online?

Get your #commercial #truck #insurance #quotes #online, at Lunova:…
Read 7 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
Lunova specializes in "MA home, auto & businesses owners insurance". #Locatethebestprovidersfor "MA home, auto & businesses owners insurance", at #LunovaInsurance
Or see: "MA home, auto & businesses owners insurance - #GoogleSearch…"
Learn more about "Lunova Small Business, Homeowners, & Automobile Insurance" (in #MA #CT #RI #NC #MD #IN or #FL), online, with our independent agents at:…… #Mass
Read 4 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
"Our independent agents & #Agency, can help you compare Worcester Car Insurance, Worcester Home Insurance, & Worcester Business Insurance, at Lunova Insurance":

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195…"
"Our Lunova Insurance agency & #agents WORCESTER INSURANCE QUOTES for #WorcesterCarInsurance, #WorcesterHomeInsurance, & #WorcesterBusinessInsurance, with our Lunova Insurance Rates":

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195…"
Read 15 tweets
Nov 17th 2022
Live Tweeting from NC #DEQ Environmental Justice & Equity Advisory Board‼️Special Session on the Wood Pellet Biomass Industry. Follow this thread for updates…
Air pollutants associated with #WoodPellet manufacturing
Read 13 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
Independent insurance agency coverage in & around Marlborough MA 01752, #LunovaInsurance:

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195…………
Independent #LunovaInsurance insurance agency #coverage in & around Marlborough MA 01752:

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195…………
Independent #LunovaInsurance MA insurance agency #rates in & around Marlborough MA 01752:

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195………
Read 13 tweets
Oct 21st 2022
✌🏻تحریم کنیم!

محصولات  زر ماکارون و NC ماکارون انسی ماکارون در اروپا و آمریکا و استرالیا لطفا تحریم خرید کنیم

محصولات کامچین بزرگترین مافیای پولشویی سپاه تروریستی پاسداران است

مثلا نماینده ایرانی در اروپا یا کانادا بخاطر وارد کردن ارز خارجی  کانتینر های مجانی
#مهسا_امینی Image
محصولات #کامچین را دریافت میکردند، یعنی وقتی یک ایرانی مثال هزار دلار یا یورو میخواست چنج کند به سوپرمارکت ایرانی می‌رود و هرماه هزاران یورو یا دلار ارز را سوپرمارکت به اسم چنج دریافت می‌کنند  و  وارد ایران میکنندو به نماینده خاتم الانبیا و سپاه در ایران  معامله می‌کنند  و بخاطر
وارد کردن ارز به هر طریقی محصولات #کامچین را مجانی دریافت میکردند، و شما وقتی در سوپرمارکت ایرانی می‌روید محصولات کامچین فراوان است و ارزان‌تر و شاید هم یک نمونه هدیه به عنوان تبلیغات به شما بدهند.
اما در اصل ارز وقتی وارد کشور می‌شود و تحویل سپاه پاسداران، یعنی هزینه کردن برای
Read 26 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
#HurricaneIan Update: As of 3PM ET, there were ~2.7 million power outages in Florida. As Ian passes, utilities will begin damage assessments and restoration efforts, as conditions permit. 1/
Tropical storm-force winds are beginning to impact Georgia and South Carolina, although there are no significant power outages associated with the storm in either state yet.

📢Attention #NC, #SC, and #GA residents. Read more to stay informed: 2/
If you lose power due to #HurricaneIan, follow these tips to stay safe. 3/

#Florida #Georgia #SouthCarolina #NorthCarolina
Read 5 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
1/PSA--this just in--@CIGNA is engaging in systemic, multi-state actions & demanding immediate physician group contract reductions in the range of -30 to -50% (I have seen the emails in that range, see below for redacted copy); actions have been confirmed in #NC, #FL #TN &......
2/ other states; @CIGNA is specifically referencing the #NoSurprisesAct as their justification for demanding immediate reductions or threatened unilateral termination, a 'la @BlueCrossNC (they tend to follow herd behavior) (as reported here but repeated again below)--redacted....
3/ client named email is below, received Mon. 7/25/22--I have seen or discussed w/ EM and anesthesia groups so far--likely more is coming & industry colleagues have shared term letters--also redacted and posted below--once again, time for a strong advocacy response from.....
Read 7 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

23.39% BA.2.12.1, <- Spike:L452Q
19.16% BA.2,
14.85% BA.2.9,
12.25% BA.2.10,
10.79% BA.2.12,
9.43% BA.2.3 and
2.33% BA.1.1

Tracker (by State):

#OmicronUpdates 04/30/22
#OmicronVariantUpdates #UnitedStates 04/30/22

Top circulating #sublineages: BA.2.12.1, BA.2*, BA.2.9, BA.2.10, BA.2.12, BA.2.3, and BA.1.1

* includes recently designated BA.2.x.y
Sequence count by Division - #UnitedStates 04/30/22

#NewYork, #NorthCarolina, #Arizona, #California and #Connecticut have submitted >125 sequences with sample collection dates between April 15 to April 30, 2022.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

BA.2.12.1 is the top circulating lineage in the USA

Its not the dominating strain yet by looks like it will get there in 2-3 weeks!

Tracker (by State):

#OmicronUpdates 04/29/22
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS) - #UnitedStates:

23.76% BA.2.12.1, <-S:L452Q
19.22% BA.2,
15.47% BA.2.9,
11.81% BA.2.10,
10.45% BA.2.12,
9.31% BA.2.3 and
2.64% BA.1.1

Tracker (by State):

#OmicronUpdates 04/28/22 Image
*Typo corrected: Its not the dominating strain yet *but* looks like it will get there in 2-3 weeks!
Read 13 tweets
Apr 1st 2022
1/ Ironic that in the latest "shake-down" of #NC physicians @BlueCrossNC starts out by saying that they are a "non-profit" seeking to drive down "the costs of delivering healthcare." Let's look at their CEO comp. in '20--$3.14M + 8 of their execs. received at least $1.33M in.....
2/ compensation in '19; you may remember back in Nov. '21, citing to the #NoSurprisesAct, #NCBlue demanded that 54 hospital based groups immediately agree to contract rate reductions in the range of -5% to -30% or face contract termination--thought the letter was "fake news".....
3/ and it wasn't as an NC practice manager who knew the BCBSNC VP who signed the letter called him & said "is this for real?" Yes it was, said the VP; anyway the latest iteration of @BlueCrossNC w/ 60-70% of the commercial market using it's oligopoly power is cited below; for....
Read 6 tweets
Mar 19th 2022
In the #nc Senate primary I will be voting in later this spring, #medicaid expansion is already a hot topic. As a result, I decided to look into what has happened since 2010 when it comes to expanding Medicaid in NC. This thread is what I’ve found. #ncpol #faync
In 2013 SB4 passed and was signed into law by former Gov @PatMcCroryNC. The heading states “AN ACT… (3) TO REJECT THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT'S OPTIONAL MEDICAID EXPANSION.” You can read this law at…
Ironically, one thing SB4 did was repeal Section 49 of Session Law 2011-145 (…) when the intent was laid to set up a state exchange as Patient Protection Affordable Care Act allows.
Read 35 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
A huge thank you to everyone who came out to our campaign kickoff today, and a special thank you to our speakers! We appreciate all of you for coming to learn about Josh's vision for Raleigh in 2022.

#bradley4raleigh #ralpol #ncgreenparty
Thank you to Dedan Waciuri from @weareuziiii and @Blacks4Peace for coming out to discuss policing issues with us!
Thank you to Wanda Hunter from @HousingWake for coming out to discuss housing issues with us!
Read 5 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
The story of the #BuildBackBetter has yet to be written. Let’s examine the 50 Republican US Senators who are voting against lifting children out of poverty, education,elder care, affordable prescription drugs, child care & family leave? What does this mean for YOUR STATE? Image
#ALABAMA Sen. Richard Shelby is voting against the #ChildTaxCredit “The Center on Budget &Policy Priorities found making the program permanent would benefit 93% of #AL children,lift 162,000 #AL children above/closer to poverty line & benefit 480,000 #AL children under 17. Image
#ALABAMA Sen. Tommy Tuberville has offered you no solutions; he has admitted that he “wouldn’t have a clue” how to address the current pandemic and recently told people that $600 per week in federal unemployment benefits was just “too much.”… Image
Read 46 tweets
Nov 22nd 2021
@ZachJonesForTX @mass_marion 1/ Zach--where do I begin? 1. For those thinking that the #NoSurprisesAct is about out of network (OON)/balance billing (BB)--maybe 3-6% of a hospital based group--sorry--it's all about in network rates; the vaulted @USCBOcostest calculated that the Energy & Commerce bill in '19.
@ZachJonesForTX @mass_marion @USCBOcostest 2/ would "save" ~$20B over 10 yrs. BUT 80% of that savings would come from the declination in network rates; my opinion you say? Actually no--last week @BlueCrossNC wrote to over 50 physician groups in #NC citing the NSA and NC state law--groups in Rad., Anesthesia & EM--and....
@ZachJonesForTX @mass_marion @USCBOcostest @BlueCrossNC 3/ demanded (and we have letters to support the same) between -5% to -20% in current participation agreements (cuts rumored to be as high as -30%) else #BCBSNC would consider terminating the agreement b/c the #NSA & the #QPA as calculated would permit "interim reductions".....
Read 11 tweets
Sep 15th 2021
1/ Lookie here: CMS blocks 3 UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plans from 6 states--for failing to meet their mandated "medical loss ratios" (MLRs) where they're supposed to spend 85% of the premium dollar on health care between '18-'20 yet @UHC says..…
2/ "COVID-19" was the reason that they didn't make their MLR requirements--really? How was COVID-19 a factor in '18 & '19? Folks didn't defer care then for COVID-19 w/ first reported US cases in December--so what's your new excuse--give us one that we believe--chickens coming ..
Read 4 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
The U.S. Supreme Court has effectively ended the CDC's pandemic residential eviction moratorium.

If you are in North Carolina & need rental assistance see:
"The U.S. Supreme Court ended the pandemic-related federal moratorium on residential evictions imposed by President Joe Biden's administration in a challenge to the policy brought by a coalition of landlords and real estate trade groups."…
If you're in one of #NC counties & need rental assistance, there are local rent & utility assistance programs:

#Buncombe, #Cabarrus, #Cumberland, #Durham, #Forsyth, #Gaston #Guilford, #Johnston, #Mecklenburg, #NewHanover, #Union, #Wake

Read 4 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
Hey there! Check out poor B & W boy waif kitten ID 16163 at the Cabarrus Animal Shelter in Concord NC! This sweet muffin has an awful URI & he's blind from an eye infection! Can he be saved? Yes, with our help! Share! Pledge for rescue! VERY URGENT!… Image
Help this kitten if you might
this little man has lost his sight!
This #NC baby is full of love
& so not ready to go above!
Please be so kind to pledge & share!
He'll feel our vibes & know we care!
Time will pass so very fast
& if no help he'll breath his last!
Darling blind kitten from #ConcordNC is safe! Thank you so very much Yahweh's Heart rescue! Please honor pledges by PayPal here: (Please select “SENDING MONEY TO A FRIEND”). Thank you! 😺🙏💞👏👍
Read 4 tweets

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