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Nov 16th 2021
You come home to find your sweetie-pie in the arms of another, what is your immediate reaction?

Join me at NOON, cst, today to discuss #Victimization.

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley
Good afternoon, friends. Please join me today to discuss victimization.

Have you been the victim of a crime? Did you report it?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #Victimization
We will be touching on theories of victimization & violence. Traditionally, criminology has focused on sociological and psychological theories to explain crime and criminality.

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #Victimization #Chapter09
Read 59 tweets
Sep 15th 2021
Good morning, friends. Join me at 11:00am, cst, to examine individual explanations of juvenile delinquency.

THINKING CHALLENGE: People freely choose ALL their behaviors, motives, emotions such as greed, revenge, need, anger, lust, jealousy, thrill-seeking

#CRJ107 #Chapter04
Good morning friends! I'm actually tweeting from the office today, and according to my water bottle I'm feeling awesome. So let's jump into this discussion of individual causes of delinquency.

#CRJ107 #Chapter04 #MorainwValley
Since the outset of the juvenile justice system, people have wanted to understand why juveniles commit crimes.

#CRJ107 #MoraineValley
Read 37 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
Good afternoon, friends. Please join me today at 4pm, cst, to discuss victimization.

Have you been the victim of a crime? Did you report it?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #Victimization
We will be touching on theories of victimization & violence. Traditionally, criminology has focused on sociological and psychological theories to explain crime and criminality.

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #Victimization Image
Why has Criminal Justice previously neglected understanding the viewpoints of victims?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #Victimization
Read 59 tweets
Feb 1st 2019
It’s time for that #9PMRoutine
▪ Remove valuables from your vehicle.

▪ Ensure that vehicle doors and trunks are locked.

▪ Check that gates to your property and doors to your home are also locked.

▪ Turn on exterior lights.
Read 3 tweets

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