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Dec 9th 2020
This map shows the proximety and rough trajectory of Iceberg #A68A towards South Georgia Island. Red shows water that's shallow enough for the iceberg to likely beach itself. Its position on Dec 3rd and 9th is shown, so's a basic idea of its course (based on 3rd-9th movement).
Right now it's less than 14km from the closest area it could run aground.
AFAIK the effects of such a large iceberg beaching hasn't been recorded this far North, but in Antartica itself, they have abosultely decimated penguin colonies in the past, with species more adapted to the cold.
S Georgia has 1mil pairs of penguins, and ~30mil pairs of seabirds.
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Nov 11th 2020
#Iceberg #A68a #SouthGeorgia #coliding #penguin

A huge iceberg is on a collision course with the island of South Georgia in the South Atlantic. The iceberg A68a could endanger animal life there, as the European space agency @esa announced.
The colossus could therefore run aground for up to ten years in front of the island, which, with an area of ​​around 3500 square kilometers, is about the same size as it. This could hinder penguins and seals from foraging and destroy life on the ocean floor.
A68a was reportedly last 350 kilometers from South Georgia. There is still hope that ocean currents will push him past the island. Millions of penguins live on the island 1400 kilometers east of the Argentine coast. In 2004, another iceberg ran aground off the island.
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