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Rose Abramoff (@ultracricket) and I jumped up on a stage at a climate science conference begging our colleagues to speak out. Rose was fired for it.

We are doing everything we can to urge society to address Earth breakdown and we are being censured for itā€¦
This was at #AGU22 in Chicago in December. For two weeks after the action, I thought I might get fired as well. "I knew that I could face retaliation. But inaction during this critical time will have far greater consequences."
This is part of why I haven't been on social media a lot lately. I sought solace in simply doing my work. Just got some very important results, I think, on extreme humid heat. If I do get fired, for me the greatest loss would be getting cut off from continuing that critical work.
Read 6 tweets
Happy Friday - let's talk about sexism in academic culture. I've been afraid to be specific about it on social media + have mostly gone silent on here bc of it, but this week was my last straw.

Here's a few examples of blatantly sexist interactions I've had in the past >2 years:
1. When my WOP paper came out last year, I was attacked by white male twitter. I responded relentlessly to their critiques, but it mostly came down to white dudes who a) knew next to nothing about soil C, b) didn't agree with the paper, and c) couldn't fathom being wrong
1a. They collectively had larger followings than me & managed to rally their troops to aid in their attack. They posted multiple rounds of YouTube videos, back-of-the envelope calculations, & threads that were completely inaccurate. But it didn't matter - they had the following.
Read 14 tweets

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