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Oct 13th 2021
Yesterday we dunked on the Army after a series of ridiculous comments at #AUSA2021 about Army's role in great power (sorry strategic) competition. That was fun, but seriously let's talk about why the Army still matters in a China scenario & why we don't like talking about it🧵
1. We often envisage a fight over Taiwan as a high tech battle of missile volleys, surface/subsurface engagements, anti-satellite launches, long range air to air engagements, and cyber attacks as the US & China struggle to limit escalation to mainland strikes or nuclear attacks.
2. I think this vision of conflict is likely. But its just the beginning. In order for China to assert control over Taiwan it needs to not only beat aircraft, submarines, surface ships, & missiles; it also needs to take & control the island (i.e. boots on the ground).
Read 8 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
The BAE Systems RB301 – a rolling test lab for innovation (mature OMFV tech) fitted with UT30Mk2, IronFist, IronVision.
#AUSA2021 #OMFV @BAESystemsInc
Jim Miller said "The Army’s approach to the Bradley-replacement program focused on transformational characteristics required a new vehicle design rather than building off an existing platform.
With the way that OMFV is currently structured and the approach that’s been laid out by the Army, we believe that this is a new vehicle design project. This is not really achievable by modifying an existing vehicle,”
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