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Hashed College Mixer | 📍#Mumbai
Where better to speak about web3 and its potential than the city of dreams? ⚡

It was a special evening filled with some raw #aamchimumbai energy 🔥

Here's a 🧵on how the evening went ⬇ Image
Here are some interesting numbers from the evening:

👨‍🎓 60+ attendees from 20+ different colleges across Mumbai
👩‍💻 80%+ from tech background
🐣 60% new to web3 (<6 months)
🏫 10 colleges with a blockchain club Image
1️⃣We kick-started the evening with an intro to web3 & our investment thesis at @HashedEM

2️⃣ @deeepgandhi then dived into some of the latest trends in the space- from web3 gaming to decentralised social media, on-chain credentials, ZK proofs, wallet innovations and more 🧑‍💻
Read 7 tweets
If you know Anyone providing food relief in Patna city, Bihar. kindly Dm. 2000+ families need the aid, alongwith sanitary napkins. #BiharHealthDept #BiharElections2020 #biharfloods #floodrelief #ReliefNow #reliefgoods #philanthropy #socialrelief #communityservice @KubbraSait
Please dm/SpreadTheWord to help with 2000+ families in Patna City, Bihar And 40,000+ families in NCR, 4.5 Lakh people reached so far #HumanRights
Milaap campaigns embedded in link↓ & urgent🇨🇭aid-10$ can feed one family for a week…
Read 6 tweets

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