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Jun 16th 2022
👋Indigo here!
🧵Taking over VMIAC again with a thread...

I want to share a huge THANK YOU to everyone supporting this critical advocacy to #EndSeclusion within 2 years.

Together we're growing energy for real change.

Let's unpack some of the excuses and some actual data... Heading: How safe is my hos...
We don't want to hear excuses from the #MentalHealth sector. Like 'they can't eliminate seclusion & restraint without more beds & staff'.

There are no excuses for violent practice.

Some units have already almost eliminated, so all of them could.

We want #ActionNotExcuses. Big orange padlock. No more...
Have a look at some variations we found in the use of seclusion between #MentalHealth services:

People in ST ALBANS
(Sunshine Hospital)

are secluded
14.8 times
more often

than people in FRANKSTON
(Frankston Hospital)

#ActionNotExcuses #EndSeclusion 1 padlock - labelled with F...
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