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Mar 8th 2023
🧵When elderly parents want to talk about their death, most children are either evasive or avoid listening to them. They respond by saying ' why r u talking like this ' ! Can we as children face the truth? No one will live forever. If our parents want to talk about dying +
Hold the space for them,Listen to them, pay attention to what they are saying, help them with #advancecareplanning and reassure them that they have been heard and their wishes will be fulfilled. Remember , they want to talk about it because they know the inevitability of death+
They want to talk about it maybe to feel reassured or maybe allay the fears they have or just voice their wishes on what they would like or how things should be done when death is looming close! +
Read 4 tweets
Sep 11th 2022
What can we learn from the death of the #Queen?

The world has watched her live through the process of #OrdinaryDying, and yet dying went unspoken, un-named.

Let's notice what nobody mentioned: we all saw the Queen going through the stages of ordinary dying.

A 🧵...

As her body wearied, she needed to ration her energy, reduce her public engagements, delegate some tasks.

Energy runs out faster as the process progresses.

But her mind remained crystal-clear, her famous sense of humour was undimmed.

The changes began slowly.

Initially, we realised that she was less energetic year by year.

This is the stage of dying when life expectancy is usually still measured in years.

Read 12 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
Throughout December I'm doing a #PalliativeCareAdvent; every day I am going to challenge #misconceptions about #PalliativeCare, #EndOfLife and living with a #LifeLimitingIllness. Some personal, some factual. Do join me!
#Hospice #EOLC #PallMedEd #HPM… Image
Day 1
"#PalliativeCare is only for those who are imminently dying".

Palliative care can help people throughout their illness, from point of diagnosis. It can help people live well, live longer and focus treatment/care around their wishes.
#PalliativeCareAdvent #Misconceptions Image
Day 2
"#PalliativeCare can only occur in the absence of life-prolonging interventions"

It can be given during life-prolonging treatment or in the absence of it. It's about quality of life, symptom control, the person's wishes and preparing for the future. #PalliativeCareAdvent Image
Read 27 tweets

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