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Nov 15th 2022
The #Asthi is still awaiting #Visarjan in #SindhuNadi at the country #AkhandaBharath.

Below is the Nathuram Godse's statement in court.

“On January 13, 1948, I learnt that Gandhiji had decided to go on fast unto death. The reason given was that he wanted an assurance of
Hindu-Muslim Unity… But I and many others could easily see that the real motive was to compel the Dominion Govt to pay the sum of Rs 55 crores to Pakistan, the payment of which was emphatically refused by the Govt…. But this decision of the people’s Govt was reversed to suit
the tune of Gandhiji’s fast. It was evident to my mind that the force of public opinion was nothing but a trifle when compared with the leanings of Gandhiji favourable to Pakistan.

In 1946 or thereabout, Muslim atrocities perpetrated on Hindus under the Govt patronage of
Read 23 tweets
May 19th 2021
#NathuramGodse, The Patriot.

You attained veergati at the age of 39, by the hands of country which you defended.

There are millions and millions of Mandabhuddi and Durbhuddi Hindus who still believe you were wrong & Gandhi was right, and they are going to that extent
where they are questioning your patriotism.

Disregarding the fact that your future would be ruined & that you would be hated for generations to come, you went ahead and achieved what you felt will be good for the country and you need to know that those who are questioning you,
your patriotism have sold themselves and their motherland for Penny's.

To you, your moral duty was more important than your life. You knew that without Gandhi the country would prosper.
Yes, the country prospered slowly.
Before being sentenced to death YOU, #NathuramGodse took
Read 6 tweets

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