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Sep 23rd 2020
#AmerFort is located in Amer, Rajasthan. It was ruled by Raja Man Singh I. Amer Fort is known for its artistic style elements. With its large ramparts and series of gates and cobbled paths, the fort overlooks Maota Lake, which is the main source of water for the Amer Palace.

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Constructed of red sandstone & marble, #AmerFort consists of Diwan-e-Aam, or "Hall of Public Audience", Diwan-e-Khas, or "Hall of Private Audience", Sheesh Mahal & Sukh Niwas where a cool climate is artificially created by winds that blow over a water cascade within palace.

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#AmerFort is also popularly known as the Amer Palace. At the entrance to the palace near the fort's 📷1: Ganesh Gate, there is a 📷2: temple dedicated to Shila Devi, a goddess of the Chaitanya cult.


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