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Mar 11th 2023
1/ Had a great time writing this @EPLabDigest article with @DrCJBradley

2️⃣ different perspectives (IC And EP) using different devices (watchman/ amulet) for LAAC in the community center.

Let’s take a dive into two different LAAC programs #Tweetorial
2/ #LAAC has come a long way over the past few years and now we have two main players in the space

🔸 @bostonsci #watchman
🔸 @AbbottNews #Amulet

Both are very effective and each has pros/cons

My center focuses on Watchman FLX while @DrCJBradley center focuses on Amulet……
3/ Historically #EPeeps has taken the driver seat in this space (rightfully so) due to experience with the LA/transeptal. HOWEVER the new gen #IC/structuralist have become a vital part of the team.

#LAAC programs require:
🧑🏼‍⚕️Anesthesiologist/Cath lab team……
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