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Jun 15th 2023
[Animal Sacrifice]

#BombayHighCourt hearing a trust's plea against recent ban on "age old practice" of animal sacrifice within the protected area of #Vishalgad Fort at Kolhapur. Image
Hearing before a bench Js GS Patel and Neela Gokhale

Sr Adv Satish Talekar for the petitioners - This practice has been going on for over 1000 years. The fort occupies only 15 acres whereas the precinct is over 300 acres.

#BombayHC #AnimalSacrifice
J Patel - Your petition doesn't have the whole background. There is at least one other petition, where they're trying to clear the entire area.

#BombayHC #AnimalSacrifice
Read 15 tweets
May 29th 2023
"The court observed that it was disconcerting to note “the weak-kneed and jittery approach of the police and Revenue authorities” when illegalities committed under the garb of religion were brought to their notice."…
"The authorities should be mindful of the fact that the laws of the country are equally applicable to all citizens, and no special treatment could be meted out to any person on religious grounds."
"The court also noted that the freedom and right under Article 25 to freely profess, practise and propagate religion were subservient to the right to life and personal liberty guaranteed under Article 21."
Read 4 tweets

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