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Dec 6th 2021
With #Annie back in the zeitgeist where it belongs (ty #AnnieLive), I thought I'd repost my magnum opus, my Annie sequel mega-thread, Annie Get Your Gun: A Tale of Bloody Vengeance. But half of it is gone?

So I went on a zhuzhing spree.

I give you:

Annie Get Your Gun: Redux
The prison gates open & Agatha Hannigan steps out into the rain. She squints into the distance before turning & making her way to the bus stop.

Perched on the hood of her car, watching, waiting, Molly smiles.

"Annie," she says to the redheaded driver, "Get your gun."
Annie tosses her cigarette out the window and grins as the ignition roars to life.

She says nothing, of course. Annie lost her voice to nodes years ago.
Read 13 tweets

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