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Nov 30th 2022
#MohammadIsaZehi was a 23-year-old arrested Baloch protester who was executed by the Islamic Republic this morning in Zahedan.
#ArefKobdani is another 23-year-old Baloch protester who has been sentenced to death. Aref’s life is in immediate danger.

#Baloch people make up about 5% of Iran’s population but they comprise 30% of those executed. In 2022, at least 129 Baloch people have been executed in Iran. What the Islamic Republic is doing to Baloch people is a genocide.
Be their voice.

○ What the Islamic Republic is doing to #Baloch people of Iran is a genocide. It is far beyond systemic discrimination #StopBalochGenocide #نه_به_کشتن_بلوچها

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