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Jul 22nd 2022
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law #BIL is a massive achievement for both any Congress and any President and it will save thousands of lives and improve millions more. That's the truth and that's the message.
Here's another truth - parts of climate change can no longer be prevented or reversed. This also means it is happening now and we have to make our infrastructure resilient to its effects for survival. This is what the #BIL starts to do and another reason why it is so important.
40,000+ people are dying on our roads every year. The programs in the #BIL will improve safety for all users, but especially vulnerable road users. For the first time🚶‍♀️🧑‍🦽👨‍🦯🚴‍♂️ are defined as "vulnerable" and states must have special consideration and plans for their safety.
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Feb 24th 2022
MNLU has entered into an MoU with Bombay Stock Exchange Institute Limited (“BIL”) to provide specialised undergraduate and graduate courses and diplomas in insolvency law.
We'll be starting with our flagship degree program: "LL.M. in Insolvency and Bankruptcy", and "PG Diploma in Regulatory Compliance Management."
The MoU was signed by our Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Dilip Ukey and Mr. Ambarish Datta, MD and CEO at BIL. It is also a moment of pride that our Faculty Coordinator, Dr. @raghavpandeyy, shall be at the forefront of execution of this collaboration.
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Feb 6th 2021
Gosto de realitys shows pq podemos prestar atenção na vida alheia sem sermos taxadas de fuxiqueiras (coisa que eu sou), e ainda observar o que acontece para refletir sobre o nosso cotidiano! Dito isso, vamos para o episódio do #bigfone envolvendo #bil e @FreireJuliette #bbb21
Quantas vezes a gente teve certeza que aquela pessoa queria nosso bem, que era um ser humano empático as nossas dores e que estava se colocando a disposição para nos fortalecer, quando na verdade tudo não passava de encenação e até mesmo a torcida para a nossa derrota e chacota!
Quando estamos no momento de desespero, toda ajuda que surge nos parece bem vinda e nem paramos para pensar que, talvez, aquela “boa ação” tem propósitos negativos por trás. #BBBB21
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