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Most recents (2)

Aug 5th 2021
Beste redactie van @RTLnieuws,
helaas blokkeert jullie correspondent Olaf Koens @obk mij al jaren op Twitter. Vandaar dat ik even zo communiceer.… Image
Olaf Koens @obk noemt mij een:
- "FSB-handlanger". [Smaad]
- "zetbaas voor de Russische inlichtingendiensten". [Smaad]
- "useful idiot". [Opinie] afgezaagd, maar geen probleem.
[nepnieuws] 2x zaken bij @RVDJ_NL aanhangig gemaakt en 2x in het gelijk gesteld. Image
Read 8 tweets
Jun 1st 2018
The fake #Babchenko murder: @daithaigilbert sums up why fakery is never, ever a good idea.…
Even well-intentioned fakes can go wrong. Remember the White Helmets' mannequin challenge? It's still being used to argue that they always fake their videos.

Hardly an interpretation that's made in good faith, but it's out there.…
Ill-intentioned fakes come back to haunt the perpetrator even more. Remember the Russian MoD's edited satellite pics "proving" that Ukraine shot down MH17, as exposed by @bellingcat and @ArmsControlWonk?…
Read 4 tweets

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