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Jul 27th 2022
One city whose food landscape has transformed through the pandemic, is #Pune. I've lived there for 2 years, and continue to frequent it every other month.
This food thread is long overdue. Think of it as a love letter to Pune. Since 2019, it's a new food city completely!
There's Felice Pasticceria in #Kothrud with it's in-house bakery. The face, like most in Pune, is pretty and their croissants are superior. They use Blue Tokai to make several coffees and are overall, quietly doing a killer job. Image
In #Baner Tokyo Bakery offers curry breads, fromage, custard buns, stuffed croissants - everything is Japanese-inspired! ImageImageImageImage
Read 21 tweets
Aug 25th 2017
Ganesh Chaturthi ki dher sari shubkamnaye πŸ˜ŠπŸ’Mamma & Keya
Ganpati Bappa Morya.πŸ˜ŠπŸ™
#GaneshChaturthi2017 #GaneshUtsav
Bappa & Me πŸ€˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ˜
#GaneshChaturthi2017 #GaneshUtsav
Read 28 tweets

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