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Sep 13th 2021
Live: Ronald Koeman’ press conference ahead of tomorrow’s game with Bayern Munich. 🎙⤵️ #BarcaBayern #UCL
🎙| Koeman: “Bayern Munich have a great team that is experienced and it will be a tough match. We know that Bayern is a great team, with high individual qualities, but we want to compete in the UCL and play at home. We will try to get a good result to start the tournament.”
🎙| Koeman: “We made changes in the team and needed time, but football doesn’t give you time. It’s a fun game and we can draw good conclusions from.”
Read 13 tweets
Sep 13th 2021
Live: Sergio Busquets’ press conference ahead of tomorrow’s game with Bayern Munich. 🎙⤵️ #BarcaBayern #UCL
🎙| Busquets: “We are very excited. We have a very difficult team, it will be the key to start winning but in front of us there will be a rival of great importance and quality. We look forward to playing our game.”
🎙| Busquets: “Perhaps it is an issue that Koeman and Laporta have to talk about. We all want the good of the club. If they have a problem they will have to talk to each other, but I think that is not the case.”
Read 11 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
Hace mucho que no hablamos de fútbol de forma más o menos seria: ¿Vamos con el hilo definitivo del Barça? #BarcaBayern #ChampionsLeague #BartomeuDimision
Lo de ayer, como está comentando todo el mundo, no es algo casual. Fue la continuación de algo que lleva pasando desde la última temporada de Luis Enrique (16/17) en Europa. Aquel año, el Barça ya recibe 4-0 en París y 3-0 en Turín, aunque habría matices. Image
Desde esa temporada (aunque, para ser exactos, el bajón se produce al final de la temporada anterior, donde el Barça casi pierde una liga que tenía ganada en enero) ha sido imposible competir bien en Europa. Eso tiene una explicación futbolística más allá del tema institucional.
Read 30 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
For persons that make clothes with tailors,

They know and have confessed severally that making clothes with tailors is a hassle.

Their phrases they use when describing their experience: 'It's so annoying' , '...frustrating, like arrggghh!'
It's usually from one problematic story to another:

The fit won't be right,


The Style = what you see Vs What you get ImageImageImageImage

The day you both agree on as the deadline for collection is the day the tailor is just cutting the cloth. Disappointments from Tailor...
Read 13 tweets

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