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May 16th 2020
#AcademicIR "controversies" usually involve one obscure technical idea pushing back against a slightly less obscure technical idea.

But every once in awhile, #AcademicIR offers an opportunity to ask a broader question: "should we engage an idea or simply say `WTH'?"

This thread is inspired by @ole_waever's response to a HIGHLY controversial piece recently published in @SecDialogue.

The piece in @SecDialogue accused "Securitization Theory", largely developed by @ole_waever, of being racist.
Read 17 tweets
May 15th 2020
#SecuritizationTheory is racist, anti-black, methodologically white, civilizationist & supremacist. Claimed article by Howell&Richter-Montpetit in SecurityDialogue Aug19. The theory’s creators #BarryBuzan & I now got reply publ’ed w many hurdles #SdScandal
H&RM empty out the critical clout of calling #racism by stretching it to far-fetched speculations about our theory. What’s left to call the actual racism playing out around us today? Is devaluing the category ‘racist’ useful? #TrivilializingRacism #AcademicNavelgazing 2/18
Strange combination of extreme conclusions & aggressive allegations with very weak textual analysis: the article miscites, misunderstands, makes things up, demonstrably misrepresents, use guilt by association: You cite Durkheim? Arendt? Your’re racist! 3/18
Read 18 tweets

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