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Apr 22nd 2023
Back in notes from April 2019 to update a lesson I haven't taught since then. 3 days before the Poway murder & we had no idea what was coming... I announced a Yom Hashoah ceremony coming up on 5/1 I that was going to be plain & regular - not full of trauma & fresh shock...
Yes, 2019 (the #BeforeTimes, the "golden era") before our lives changed... was an excruciating year...
Also in the weeks before the murder, I showed in class or on campus:
--Sometimes in April
--Battle of Algiers
--Holocaust docs

I was already emotionally exhausted from this material *by* the murder. I went in for bodywork that day because I was SPENT... & heard in the car. 💔
Read 6 tweets
Feb 5th 2021

The rarest, most beautiful thing in journalism is finding an editor you love, and let me tell you, there was no one I loved working with more than @jerryadler. He was based in NYC when I was in DC, and though we talked every day, it was months before we first met IRL.
On the day we finally met, I remember walking into the @YahooNews news room and just yelling around, "Where's Jerry?!" (Because I am truly insane). As it was the #beforetimes, when I found him, I gave him the biggest hug. @jerryadler is smart, witty and a writer's editor.
Typical Brooklyn, @jerryadler uses his top-notch snark to mask his softness of heart. This dichotomy inspired me to start calling him "JerBear," at first as a kind of joke. But then it stuck because I meant it. Every time I gave Jerry a story, it came back better—and quickly!
Read 6 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
I follow a lot of return to class/campus debate across the US & beyond, at all levels, PreK-PhD let’s say.

Summary: humanity wants to go back to the #beforetimes, we long for it.

Everyone WANTS to be back, everyone also wants to be as SAFE as possible.
Plan makers, both the wizards behind the curtains and most importantly individuals, need to figure out how to walk that tightrope. How to have a plan with flexibility that maintains the inherent rights of parent, student, faculty, etc.

And how to implement by building consensus.
The absolute best plan in the world can fail if individuals don’t also take ownership & embrace it.

And the absolute worst plan can still be successful if individuals are (1) given transparent information, (2) remain free to choose with minimal constraints.
Read 8 tweets

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