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May 6th 2021
“I am coming to you with this information in hopes that you may ask @StrangRobert if the daycares have been directed not to go public with the number of positive cases."

#PaidSickLeave #PandemicPay #ECE
The govt. could always make an exception to the age-based vaccination program, as it chose to do for police officers. (One of Strang's biggest flip-flops.)

These days, female ECEs are arguably at as much risk of contracting the virus as police officers.…
On a related matter...Kids and Company is the epitome of for-profit, #BigBoxDaycare.

Dec. 2018: @kidsandcompany, a private (non-stock market-traded) firm, will operate 100 Canadian centres in six provinces and nine US centres in 2019.
@CSaulnierHfx #CUPE…
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