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Nov 1st 2019
1/11 Dear Ryan Britt @FatherlyHQ I want to say something to you regarding your recent article about @michaeljackson titled 'Can Parents Play Michael Jacksons “Thriller” On Halloween?' As a father myself, I'm appalled at the narrative you decided to go with… assuming that there would be a problem in playing Mr. Jacksons music, following a now debunked film that featured proven liars who fabricated stories to fill their pockets with blood $$ No mention at all, that the one sided hit-piece propaganda film was laced with misstruths
..discrepancies, falsehoods & multiple reshoots using emotionally manipulative filming. Not once, did you question the 'other side of the story,' nor point out that the film was put together by powerful white men in the media who had set about slandering an innocent dead black..
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