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Apr 11th 2023
1/ Finance nerds, rejoice! Introducing BloombergGPT, a specialized AI agent built to navigate the exciting world of finance. Imagine having a powerful genie-like ChatGPT, but solely focused on finance. Let's dive into what this AI can do for you. #BloombergGPT 🧵
2/ First, let's understand the "why" behind Bloomberg, a media company, launching a Finance GPT. Bloomberg is more than just news; it's a financial, software, data, and media powerhouse with the Bloomberg Terminal as its cornerstone. It lives and breathes finance! #Bloomberg #AI
3/ Bloomberg has amassed a goldmine of financial data over the years. And what better way to utilize this data than to train a large language model to run generative AI chatbots? That's how BloombergGPT, trained on 50 billion parameters, came into existence.
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