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Jan 9th 2019
Before this evening's broadcast, let's talk about Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v Sawyer—the case that struck down Harry Truman's executive order Executive Order 10340, that limited the president's power to seize property in the midst of a national emergency: HERE WE GO! (1/19)
OKAY! So it was April 1952 and the US was in the Korean War, and the steel mills were about to go on strike. To make sure the US has a steady steel supply, President Truman issued EO 10340, that the Secretary of Commerce was going to seize control of US steel mills. (2/19)
(Important to note: Truman could have tried to use portions of the recently-passed Taft–Hartley Act to stop the steel union from striking, bc it was meant to be a way to restrict union activity, but instead chose just to seize the steel mills.) (3/19)
Read 20 tweets
Jan 9th 2019
Let’s have some truth bombs before tonight’s address:

#NoWall Fact 1:
Illegal border crossings are way down

In the early 2000’s, 1.3-1.6 million people were apprehended crossing the border.

2018? <400,000…

#NoWall Fact 2:
Undocumented Immigrants are not causing a crime wave at the border, in fact the southern border counties are among the safest in the country!

#NoWall Fact 3:
The majority of undocumented immigrants DO NOT sneak across the border, they are people who came to the US legally and overstayed their visa. A wall does NOTHING to address this.

Read 10 tweets
Jan 7th 2019
Question for the news editors at the major networks. If you knew then what we know now about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, would you have broadcast this speech live? I think the answer is probably, "no way." Just keep that in mind tomorrow.
For those unfamiliar with this incident, it was the "attack" that LBJ used to justify ramping up US involvement in Vietnam. Later it became clear that LBJ's account of the attack was greatly distorted with the intent to deceive the American people.…
Trump is slow walking the nation into Gulf of Tonkin redux to justify taking on unconstitutional, emergency powers...the media's job is to report the truth, not amplify lies. #BoycottTrumpsAddress #BoycottTrumpSpeech
Read 5 tweets

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