#NoWall Fact 1:
Illegal border crossings are way down
In the early 2000’s, 1.3-1.6 million people were apprehended crossing the border.
2018? <400,000
Undocumented Immigrants are not causing a crime wave at the border, in fact the southern border counties are among the safest in the country!
The majority of undocumented immigrants DO NOT sneak across the border, they are people who came to the US legally and overstayed their visa. A wall does NOTHING to address this.
The White House has claimed that 4000 terrorists have been arrested at the border, but the vast majority of them have been at airports not the southern border.
Any humanitarian crisis at our border is the FAULT of Trump’s policy.
Why? The shipments aren’t brought by people. The majority are brought by car or truck at monitored crossings.
We need better screening. #NoWallEver
2 years of a GOP controlled Congress and Trump couldn’t get it passed.
The rest of the border is covered by drones and surveillance- ways that Dems promote as EFFECTIVE border security.
The majority of American people do NOT support building the border wall.
56% are against building the wall.