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Mar 9th 2020
March 1981: Shakin' Stevens is top of the charts, Tom Baker is leaving #DoctorWho and Clive Sinclair is bringing computers to the masses. Britain is moving into a new age, and one object above all will herald its coming!

For #BritishScienceWeek this is the story of the ZX81...
Like many electronics companies Sinclair Radionics had been beaten up by the 1970s calculator wars: cut-price LCD products from Japan, plus aggressive price cuts from Hewlett Packard made Sinclair's LED calculators unprofitable. The company was in trouble.
The British government bailed out Sinclair in the 1970s, and wanted it to focus on instrument manufacturing - the only profitable bit of its business. Clive Sinclair resigned in disgust in 1979. He had a better idea.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 12th 2019
It's #nationalscienceweek this week.
That's science for girls and boys and anyone else.
Following are some recommendations of cool #sciencebooks you might want to try.

@LetToysBeToys @BertramBooks @booksaremybag
George's Marvellous Experiments
Inspired by Roald Dahl's classic tale, a collection of science experiments for children to try at home. With explanations and easy-to-follow instructions: includes home-made slime and erupting volcanoes. 5 & up
Just shout #sendmybook Cover of George's Marvellous experiments.<br />
Background is squared maths paper, with splodges. Foreground is white old woman's head, looking grumpy; white boy stirring a pot of boiling liquid, holding jars and surrounded by potions. There's a scared-looking flying scrawny brown hen.<br />
Author and title are in big capitals in the middle of the page. They're all line drawings by Quentin Blake
Pop-up Moon
A pop-up book of interesting facts about the moon with stylish artwork from Annabelle Buxton, featuring four intricately crafted pop-ups along the way designed by paper engineer Olivier Charbonnel.
Just shout #sendmybook Cover of pop-up moon.<br />
all drawn/painted imagery<br />
Dark blue background with dark grey clouds scattered about. In the middle is a big cream moon with a rocket flying across the middle of it (diagonally upwards from left to right). The ricket is mainly white with green horizontal stripes, and there's a cutaway of 3 astronauts in the top end near the nose cone (I'm hoping a real-life rocket wouldn't have a cutaway!)
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