That's science for girls and boys and anyone else.
Following are some recommendations of cool #sciencebooks you might want to try.
@LetToysBeToys @BertramBooks @booksaremybag
Inspired by Roald Dahl's classic tale, a collection of science experiments for children to try at home. With explanations and easy-to-follow instructions: includes home-made slime and erupting volcanoes. 5 & up
Just shout #sendmybook

A pop-up book of interesting facts about the moon with stylish artwork from Annabelle Buxton, featuring four intricately crafted pop-ups along the way designed by paper engineer Olivier Charbonnel.
Just shout #sendmybook

A beautifully illustrated collection of the pioneering women, both past and present, who have contributed to engineering, science, technology and mathematics - perfect to inspire the next generation!

Discover the inner workings of the human body in a humorous, yet wholly accurate way. Colour illustrations and diagrams, text and over fifty flaps, which children can lift to reveal extra detail.

(Pls note: £1 p&p if total order is under £5)
Search in the night sky with this i-SPY guide. This fun activity book encourages kids to look above them, from stars and constellations to the moon and eclipses, in search of i-SPY points.

A visual dictionary covering core National Curriculum biology, chemistry and physics.
I love the #basher books - the funny pictures and descriptions make it easy to remember the facts!

Engineering principles are demonstrated to children in this book of projects using everyday objects to construct a bottle submarine, a smartphone boombox, a weather vane and more.

I love this one - aimed at ks1, it simply shows how electric circuits power equipment, what gas does, where water comes from. Lovely illustrations that don't miss anything!
#britishscienceweek #sendmybook