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Apr 22nd 2022
Hey, @brianstelter perhaps you can join me on my successful global media streaming service to discuss your company’s $300 million dollar failure. PS: I won’t ambush you AND my statements will be based in FACT. So sad 4 U. #CNNPlusRIP
2. Did I mention, my streaming service had 300k subs, when streaming services didn’t yet exist? It was MLB and the blaze. That was over 10 years ago. I could say that fact that your pompous ass didn’t make 10 weeks didn’t bring me joy. But, I will leave the lies to you and #cnn
3. I am sorry @brianstelter for that last tweet. I just lashed out after hearing the news about the biggest media failure of all time, without thinking about how worried you must be about your upcoming unemployment situation. Please know you are in my thoughts. #CNNPlusRIP
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