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Nov 18th 2020
What is #COVIDzero? What is elimination? What is strategy? A primer

1. #COVIDzero is a slogan. It is aspirational. It sets a high bar for a country that has failed to set a bar. @JustinTrudeau yesterday said that it doesn't make sense to have a unifying mssg. I beg to differ.
2. Elimination, in the proper sense of the term, means reducing incidence of infection or disease to zero in a geographical region for a period of time, with continued efforts.

Nobody seriously believes you can keep the cases of COVID at zero for any sustained period of time.
No country on the planet has been able to eliminate COVID, and this includes the best performing countries: New Zealand, Vietnam, China, Australia, South Korea, etc. They all have cases.

But they have an elimination strategy and mindset.
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