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Jun 3rd 2020
Today is the 3rd #AmphibianWeek day and the theme is:

Amazing #Amphibian Facts

Create your own publication about it and tag us, so we can share it!

Did you know that amphibians can be great mothers? Follow this thread to learn more!

Image ©Davidvraju Image
"When it comes to dedicated mothering, #caecilians have got us beat. These tube-like #amphibians sacrifice the very skin off their backs (and pretty much everywhere else) to keep their squirming offspring well-fed".
"When a #mama caecilian is taking care of a brood, she grows an extra-thick outer layer of skin that's rich in nutrients and fat. Her writhing mass of noodle-like babies use specially adapted teeth to tuck into #mom's fat suit, using a "death roll" technique".
Read 6 tweets
May 10th 2020
Happy Mother's Day! ❤️ Image
"When it comes to dedicated mothering, #caecilians have got us beat. These tube-like #amphibians sacrifice the very skin off their backs (and pretty much everywhere else) to keep their squirming offspring well-fed".
"When a #mama caecilian is taking care of a brood, she grows an extra-thick outer layer of skin that's rich in nutrients and fat. Her writhing mass of noodle-like babies use specially adapted teeth to tuck into #mom's fat suit, using a "death roll" technique".
Read 6 tweets
Mar 14th 2019
Acclimating a new office buddy! Another long, slender, gray tube of an #amphibian - the #caecilian !

(It and Perry the #amphiuma will be neighbors)
That overbite tho, and those rolls!

Meet Typhlonectes natans aka a “rubber eel.” In reality it’s an #amphibian & more closely related to #frogs than to true #eels . ImageImage
Typhlonectes natans is an aquatic #caecilian native to northern South America, & this species is (to my understanding) the most common caecilian in the pet trade.

(this guy/gal is captive bred & was being sold at a reptile show in MN)

(Map:…) Image
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