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Jun 7th 2020
t's Sunday and our last day of #AmphibianWeek! Today's theme is:

Actions for #Amphibians

What do you do to help amphibians?

Luckily there are things all of us can do help these little vertebrates 🐸

In this thread you'll find some things you can do: Image
Here are some things you can do:

At home:
🐸 build a frog pond
❌ avoid pesticides
🌿 leave natural vegetation

In parks:
❌ don’t move rocks (there may be eggs underneath!)
❌ don’t stack rocks
Whether you are an individual or an organisation working on #amphibian #conservation, there are many ways to get involved with the Amphibian Survival Alliance to help amphibians! Learn more:…

#LeaveTheLeaves #AmphibianAlly
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Jun 4th 2020
Te presentamos a nuestr@s invitad@s del día Jueves 4 de Junio 🐸

✅Transmisión en vivo por Facebook:…

En #HablemosDeAnfibios #JORNADA4, organizada por Bolivian Amphibian Initiative con el apoyo de ASA y Iniciativa La Paz Biodiversa, estarán:
Luis F. Marin da Fonte 🇧🇷 de la Amphibian Survival Alliance @amphibiansorg y @ASG_IUCN @asgbrasil1 Image
Andrea Terán-Valdez 🇪🇨 de la @arcasapos Image
Read 6 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
Today is the 4th #AmphibianWeek day and the theme is:

Threats to #Amphibians

Create your own publication about it and tag us, so we can share it!

Follow this thread to learn more about today's topic! Image
According to the @IUCNRedList of Threatened Species, amphibians are the most #threatened animal group, with 33 species currently listed as #Extinct, 587 as #CriticallyEndangered, 965 as #Endangered, 650 as #Vulnerable, and 375 as #NearThreatened. Image
With over 40% of all amphibian species threatened with extinction, many people and organisations around the world dedicate their lives to protect them. Image
Read 5 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
Today is the 3rd #AmphibianWeek day and the theme is:

Amazing #Amphibian Facts

Create your own publication about it and tag us, so we can share it!

Did you know that amphibians can be great mothers? Follow this thread to learn more!

Image ©Davidvraju Image
"When it comes to dedicated mothering, #caecilians have got us beat. These tube-like #amphibians sacrifice the very skin off their backs (and pretty much everywhere else) to keep their squirming offspring well-fed".
"When a #mama caecilian is taking care of a brood, she grows an extra-thick outer layer of skin that's rich in nutrients and fat. Her writhing mass of noodle-like babies use specially adapted teeth to tuck into #mom's fat suit, using a "death roll" technique".
Read 6 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Te presentamos a nuestr@s invitad@s de hoy en #HablemosDeAnfibios de la #AmphibianWeek, el ciclo de charlas organizado por Bolivian Amphibian Initiative con el apoyo de Amphibian Survival Alliance y Iniciativa La Paz Biodiversa:
Federico Kacoliris 🇦🇷 🐸 Image
Karina Nuñez 🇵🇾 🐸 Image
Read 6 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Te presentamos a nuestros invitados de hoy en #HablemosDeAnfibios de la #AmphibianWeek, el ciclo de charlas organizado por Bolivian Amphibian Initiative con el apoyo de Amphibian Survival Alliance y Iniciativa La Paz Biodiversa:
Lina Maria Valencia 🇨🇴🐸 del aliado de ASA @Global_Wildlife Image
Pedro Peloso 🇧🇷🐸, ASA Futuro Líder de Conservação de Anfíbios, del aliado de ASA @iboitata Image
Read 6 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Today is the first #AmphibianWeek day and the theme is:

What Are #Amphibians?

Have a look at today's suggested events on this thread! Image
Event: Meet-an-Amphibian Live Webinar
Time: 12:00 – 12:30 pm (EDT) (UTC-04:00)
Sponsor: Smithsonian National Zoo
Details: In this webinar, students and animal lovers of all ages can learn about #amphibians and have their curiosities answered.
Join here:
Event: Amphibians: Nature’s Hidden Secret
Time: 12:00 pm (PDT) / 3:00 pm (EDT) (UTC-04:00)
Sponsors: U.S. Forest Service, Agents of Discovery, Wonders of Wildlife
Details: Take a journey through the life cycle of #amphibians and their role in environment!
Read 4 tweets

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