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Jul 19th 2020
The effect of uncensored web series (OTT) so we demand #Censor_Web_Series

Morally corrupt as the series is, this time around ALT Balaji has stooped to a new low. A new season of its show X.X.X Uncensored shows a Lieutenant Colonel’s wife seducing her civilian doctor 👇 ImageImageImageImage
(saying that the husband is only interested in his drinks and spending time with fellow officers), dressing him up in her husband’s uniform and then spanking him in a role-play (where she addresses the doctor as her husband). 👇
She rips open the uniform shirt too. Later it turns out that the woman is the doctor’s mother-in-law. First the doctor started the adulterous relationship despite knowing that the woman was married, and secondly the woman continued the relationship even after his marriage. 👇
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