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Feb 9th 2023

A continuación, un hilo con todas los ingresos y egresos de dinero de #Racing.

Se agradece la difusión 🙏 Image

#Racing recibió en total aproximadamente 2️⃣0️⃣.4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣.0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ dólares por todas las transacciones a lo largo del mercado de pases.

👉 A continuación, un detalle de cada una de ellas. Image

Enzo Copetti: El delantero fue transferido al #CharlotteFC a cambio de 6.500.000 dólares brutos por el 80 % del pase.

👉 #Racing recibió aproximadamente 4.000.000 dólares limpios. Image
Read 15 tweets
Oct 15th 2020
We wanted to get to know our supporters better so we invited a few for a special photoshoot at the stadium 📸

#CharlotteFC Image
Hector is a middle school teacher in Rock Hill but you may have seen him on tv or in the stands. He's a sports superfan known as "Sombrero Man."

When adding the CLTFC sombrero to his collection, he recruited help from the school's art teacher to make the blue hue just right. Image
Brian grew up in South Africa where ⚽️ was such a prominent part of his upbringing. He now works for ISL who operate Barça Academies around the US in partnership with FC Barcelona.

To have a club in his city means the chance to further grow a unified community. Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
Hi friends 👋

We're dropping more Academy news today ⬇️
Welcome to the team Sam!

Congrats to Derek on making the squad!

Read 3 tweets

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