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Sep 30th 2018
#CPC #Conservatives2018 Mr Hunt @foreignoffice @Jeremy_Hunt are you aware of the monumental diplomatic travesty you committed today? Donald Tusk was leader of Student Committee of Solidarity in Gdańsk from ‘81. He literally helped bring down the fall of Communism.
As context, his predecessor Stan Pyjas was murdered by the Security Bureau. Tusk risked his life to bring down communism, as did many others of that Solidarity generation. Can you pls show respect and try understand the people you’re negotiating with? Your Toryboy glibness shows
He joined Lech Walesa’s first post communist government, and later became a two term serving elected Prime Minister. He’s been President of the European Council. If the EU was in any way like the Soviet Union, Donald Tusk would be in a better position to say so.
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