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Apr 11th 2020
Very grateful to @theeuropedesk for making my lecture on “The Age of Pandemics. The Threat of Infectious Disease and the Politics of Global Health in the 20th Century” at Georgetown University's @EuropaSaxa publicly available in podcast form.

#coronavirussyllabus #histmed
The less-than-stellar sound quality is entirely my fault: It was a Zoom lecture that I had to give from the closet-turned-“office” in our apartment... Still worth a listen if you’re interested in a historical perspective on pandemics from Cholera in the 19th century to #COVID19
(Oh, and the actual Zoom lecture had PowerPoint slides that you won’t be able to see in the podcast version, of course. It should still be easy enough to follow the lecture though)
Read 3 tweets
Mar 13th 2020
There are three #COVID19 crises happening in parallel: public health, economic and information. The information crisis is least understood. Posting a thread for context, how we might prep for an info onslaught to come.
1/ Some context to start…three data points that inform why Americans had such different points of view on the severity of the crisis. That is until social life as we know it shut down in the last 48 hours.
2/ Last week, cable COVID-19 mentions increased 3x. Interactions on stories in social media increased 7x. Google searches 8x. In *some circles* this sparked panic buying, toilet paper runs, search for masks. Tip: @kalevleetaru…
Read 20 tweets

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