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Family Tree of #Rohan, House of Eorl, Complete Ancestry & Genealogy of #Éowyn, #Éomer & #Théoden. #LOTR

This is my 10th Chart in Middle-earth series based on J.R.R. #Tolkien's works.

A detailed thread on the #Genealogy of the House of #Eorl
#LordOfTheRings #LOTR Image

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#LordOfTheRings #LOTR #TheHobbit #Tolkien
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[BREAKING] We have confirmed from multiple sources that @AmazonStudios new billion-dollar #LOTR series will open its first season centered on a young Aragorn.

Let's discuss whats available and how this opens up Tolkien's Legendarium. A thread. #Tolkien
Firstly, we must stamp out any remaining confusion:

From the first press release, we know this so-called #LOTR series will NOT be a retelling of the events of the War of the Ring. #BeenThereDoneThat

Instead it will be Appendices based and cover a lot of time and history. /2
This is the greatest advantage the show runners have: that so much of Tolkien’s storytelling, even just in “Appendix A,” covers a tremendous swath of time.

Starting with a young Aragorn narrative allows connections to his Numenorean bloodline (and to the founding of #Gondor). /3
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