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May 1st 2019
As much as we are in desperate need of whole scale amendments in basically every article of the constitution that governs our beautiful nation NIGERIA, we owe it to ourselves to be accountable not only for 'ethical transparency' but for the future too #DcemAfrica #LegalByteAfrica
Take for example the Nigerian Law Publications Limited. Regardless your field expertise we owe every bit of information to the future of our nation WE NEED TO START DOCUMENTING RECORDS. Information is Free, Knowledge is Expensive, Wisdom is Priceless. #DcemAfrica #LegalByteAfrica
Like the #ChampionsLeague match today between #BarçaLIV would be recorded and can be reviewed centuries later we NIGERIANS need to start documenting our doings for the future regardless of the various career we pursue. Cue from the Nigerian Recorded Music industry report by #DCEM
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