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Oct 13th 2022
1\ #DFIR: How to investigate insider threats

Sharing the forensic methodology I follow when I'm investigating insiders 😍

This is where an employee sells creds/changes configs/runs malware leading to full DA compromise and then say they didn't do it O_o…
2\ The questions that I use to guide the analysis and prioritisation of analysis are:

1. How was the device accessed around the suspected behaviour?

2. Where was the user/device when this occurred?

3. Was the insider active on their system?

4. What did the user do?
3\ To answer the first question, I look at SRUM, specifically the App Timeline Provider details.

I pull:
> Execution time of the malicious thingz
> Duration of execution
> User SID

Then, I cross correlate that user info with their corresponding ActivitiesCache.db. #DFIRISS3XY
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