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Dec 8th 2021
This is the truth...A🧵
Everyday *THEY* game the system. Everyday we are forced to play their game with no ROI. It's rigged against #smallbusinesses & #startups outside SV/1% $. Building a biz is nearly impossible if you're not a wht guy.
Yet they avoid paying more taxes? 1/17
Social impact is not immune. On a website of an out of touch "social impact investor" (saw this today!) who only funds businesses 3 years + with annual revenue $750k +. Suggestion from their FAQ for startups is appalling for a fund claiming to help the neediest of businesses. 2/ A screen shot of black type...
"We require a minimum of three years in operation for financing, and thus do not fund start-ups. For capital to get your social enterprise off the ground, we recommend reaching out to friends and family, or an angel investor network in your area." Why didn't we think of that?! 3/
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