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Feb 7th 2020
1/n"Shikara" by #VidhuVinodChopra of @VVCFilms is without a doubt is guilty of heinous crime of trivializing genocide as displacement and attempting to reduce it to brotherly disagreement. Reaction of #DivyaRazdan @ResearchBharat a survivor is unsurprising
2/n This dishonest, roguish and cunning attempt to present utter lie in the movie and pass it on as history, by @rahulpandita and #VidhuVinodChopra is ridden with foul smell. There is no question that Mr. #VidhuVinodChopra is naïve, after all he is an industry veteran.
3/n Hmm, Industry veteran! maybe that’s what makes the entire endeavor smell the rat. Industry Veterans are gullible to questionable funding sources. That’s when one wonders, are @rahulpandita, and @VVCFilms #VidhuVinodChopra writer and producers? or are there ghosts involved?
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