How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App I proceed. I REQUEST's tweet points at one experience of @DrAmbardar, which is one too many already and must be called out. But bear in mind @TulsiGabbard is also a politician. The Prejudice against Politicians is that "they dont do anything without a reason or weighing" @RahulEaswar tweets above picture mentions @Kummanam and a senior most #Brahmin Philosopher with "hashtag #Brahmin" many and happily retweets it. What could this tweet mean for different people? Lets’ examine. This dishonest, roguish and cunning attempt to present utter lie in the movie and pass it on as history, by @rahulpandita and #VidhuVinodChopra is ridden with foul smell. There is no question that Mr. #VidhuVinodChopra is naïve, after all he is an industry veteran. @friendsofrss @RSS4India @Swamy39 @rammadhavbjp @sgurumurthy @MakrandParanspe @NupurSharmaBJP @ARanganathan72 @TVMohandasPai @swati_gs @DivyaSoti @Shubhrastha @ShefVaidya @mjakbar @vasudha_ET 1/n @CChristineFair RSS is NOT a Terrorist org. I am no HINDU, thus Inviting @English_bahen @IAmErAijaz @PrinceArihan @DrRizwanAhmed_ @davidfrawleyved @mariawirth1 @DavidBCohen1 @mjakbar @PrinceArihan @UnSubtleDesi @AnupamPKher @DrKumarVishwas @majorgauravarya @rose_k01 @AskAnshu 3/n "Power is Poison" must @RahulGandhi know, after all, his family has excelled the art of serving "Poison" to masses for generations. As they continue serving the Poison, power thirst hasn't quenched. On the contrary, it has become ghastly, vigorous, ruthless and desperate. Quotes Not My Opinions Sources at the end