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Jul 8th 2022
Ever look at an #EEG & wonder what the 🧠 squiggles mean?

This #twEEGtorial is for you

#MedTwitter #NeuroTwitter #EEGTwitter #Tweetorial
Let’s start with some background:

💡 #EEG = electroencephalogram
💡 What an EEG does: records electrical activity in the 🧠
You might then 🤔: how does the 🧠 create ⚡️?

A bit of neuroscience: 🧠 cells called neurons generate ⚡️ through the flow of charged ions (sodium & potassium) across their membranes

An EEG on the scalp can't detect the ⚡️ of a single neuron, but can when neurons are in sync
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