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Aug 17th 2020
#DatingAgain #NotLikeRidingABike
I want to be in a relationship again but cripes sakes that means dating. My goal when my husband passed was to focus on my kids. They are adults now & less likely to kill any male I date. In fact they are a ‘little’ too invested I start dating. 1
A few years back I did invest in #EHarmony that old guy on the adds convinced me it was high quality & based on personality matches. Well I found that 2 be bull. A few matches here & there UNTIL my friends got access & added a bit to my bio. Not going say what they added 2/
but I got ALOT of matches. Needless to say I found #eharmony exactly like a bar ACCEPT no alcohol & I enjoy alcohol not so much the pick ups. I left eharmony. How does one start #dating during a pandemic 🤦🏻‍♀️? Is there somehow I can skip the dating & just be in a relationship 🤷🏻‍♀️3/
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