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Jun 11th 2021
Excited that our paper: "Measuring the Occupational Impact of AI: Tasks, Cognitive Abilities and AI Benchmarks" has been published in Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (@JAIR_Editor).

Here's a thread (1/10)
#EconTwitter #HUMAINT #futureofwork…
The paper is the result of truly interdisciplinary work with sociologist Enrique Fernández-Macías, computer scientists @NandoMartinezP , @emiliagogu and José Hernández-Orallo, and economists Annarosa Pesole and me. Also, help from @CharisiVicky, HRI researcher. (2/10)
We develop a framework with which we can measure the exposure of occupations to AI. Note: we use the term "exposure" not "substitution" to avoid feeding into that fear-mongering narrative of "robots stealing our jobs". (3/10)
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