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May 29th 2023
Just like yesterday, remember former president Buhari's first tenure in 2015 his #InaugurationDay

We were told Chadian Soldiers are already in Damasak waiting for us to come retake the ground before leaving.

We massed up to go and recollect Damasak which was a blood bath back then.

The GOC came talked to us and told us about the task, now gentlemen, the Chadians are already in Damasak and we are to go take over from them so they can focus on other operations.

I raised my hand /1
To ask question ❓

Then there was no Theater command.

The Officer Commanding called me immediately and say, Die hard please no question, I know what you want to ask.

He was so good to all the SFs then that I had to obey him and climbed my gun #EagleEye.

I respect /2
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