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Dec 16th 2021
Hari ini ke kantor gojek operasional Kemang Timur, ambil unit motor listrik.
Mulai besok, gw akan ngebid pakai motor ini.

Test, setangguh apa nih motor buat jalanin orderan 30 trip/hari.

#electrum ImageImageImageImage
Coba motor listrik dengan teknologi baru pertama kali, grogi yah.
Sampai rumah beli Pecel Lele, ditanyain bapack².
"Motor apa nih bang? Gede banget. Enak gak? Coba bonceng"

Gimana pak? Nyaman?
"Mantap kali lah ini, pantatku berasa luas"

🤣😂 ImageImageImage
"Kayaknya gak nyaman buat yg dibonceng"

"Motornya kecil, apa kuat bawa penumpang?"

Ini gw kasih gambaran, jejer bareng PCX.
Bisa kira² nih motor sebesar apa?
Menurut gw, bobot dan handlingnya mirip Vario 125.
#electrum ImageImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
1/10 My mom worked her ass off & has little to show for it. She started asking about #bitcoin today. I took her on a tour through @Blockstream & #greenwallet, @COLDCARDwallet & #bluewallet, & signing a PSBT via sneakernet then broadcasting w/my own Raspi4 full node.
2/10 Export the wallet file from the @COLDCARDwallet

1: Select Micro SD Card
2: Select Export Wallet
3: Select #Electrum Wallet
4: Select Native SegWit
3/10 Create a new wallet in #bluewallet (Make sure the CC wallet file is accessible on your phone)

1: Select "+" sign in upper right-hand corner
2: Select Import wallet
3: Select import file instead
4: Your camera will activate, select file symbol in lower right-hand corner
Read 10 tweets

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