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Dec 22nd 2019
@amjoyshow @K_JeanPierre Plz don't wait or watch it go..impeachment or an election won's solve our Koch RW problem.

There are steps citizens can take right now to stop them. I have no promises of the outcome..but, if we're focused, relentless in our efforts & act now..we have a chance!

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@amjoyshow @K_JeanPierre Experts in fascism, authoritarianism & propaganda say our very best "weapon" against creeping Fascism & propaganda is

"To Plant the Seeds of Democracy" -G.Kasperov...

We don't have to agree on anything beyond opposing a Fascist RW takeover that endangers us all.

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@amjoyshow @K_JeanPierre The Kochs RW started from bottom up.. That's where we must focus too.

There are experienced grassroots Resistance orgs & that each of us can follow, visit their sites, support, use their guidance & citizen actions. #EmpoweredToday

The steps ..."Seeds of Democracy"

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Read 14 tweets
Dec 12th 2019
@TaggartRehnn Every action we take now must be very focused on the foundations of protecting & building Democracy. The Kochs RW started from bottom up to win.. we must do the same.

Resources & Actions thread... 1/
@TaggartRehnn We don't have to agree on anything beyond opposing a Fascist RW takeover that endangers us all.

We can be effective IF we're very focused & unified in both our resolve & actions nationwide.

@TaggartRehnn There are experienced grassroots Resistance orgs & that each of us can follow, visit their sites, support, use their guidance & citizen actions. #EmpoweredToday

- Secure Elections in States

- Stop #ConCon in states

- inform & engage our communities

- save Net Neutrality

Read 15 tweets
Dec 6th 2019
@brianschatz @chrisehyman Yes! Now is the time to rise up, to act. Please don't wait for an election or impeachment ..they won't solve our Koch & RW problem.

There are Resistance orgs & citizen actions/steps that citizens can take now to curb their influence & protect the future...Democracy.

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@brianschatz @chrisehyman Today is the time to work & plan for the "if". That means having a plan.

We don't have to agree on anything beyond opposing a Fascist RW takeover that endangers us all.

We can be effective IF we're very focused & unified in both our resolve & actions nationwide.

@brianschatz @chrisehyman There are experienced grassroots Resistance orgs & that each of us can follow, visit their sites, support, use their guidance & citizen actions.


- Secure Elections in States

- Stop #ConCon in states

- inform & engage our communities

- save Net Neutrality

Read 13 tweets

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